1. Portrait of George WashingtonThe most prominent feature of the front of the one-dollar bill is the portrait of George Washington, the first President of the United States. His image has been a mainstay on the one-dollar bill since 1869.
2. Treasury SealTo the right of Washington's portrait, you'll find the Treasury Department seal. This circular seal includes a balanced scale, a key, and thirteen stars, representing the original colonies.
3. Serial NumberTwo sets of unique serial numbers are printed on the bill, one on each side of the portrait. These numbers help in tracking and identifying individual bills.
4. Federal Reserve District SealOn the left side of Washington's portrait, the bill features the seal of the Federal Reserve Bank that issued the note. There are twelve different Federal Reserve Banks, each with a unique identifier letter and number.
5. Signature of the Treasury SecretaryBelow the Treasury seal is the signature of the current Secretary of the Treasury. This signifies official endorsement of the currency by the U.S. government.
6. Signature of the U.S. TreasurerAdjacent to the Treasury Secretary's signature is the signature of the Treasurer of the United States, another key official responsible for the issuance of currency.
7. Series YearThe series year indicates when the bill’s design was approved. It appears below the Treasurer's signature and helps identify the vintage of the bill.